🕚 Temporal API Duration #
In this post on Temporal API duration, we see how the new JavaScript Temporal API makes working with time periods and durations easier. The API lets you define a time period as an object in hours, minutes, and seconds etc., but also using ISO 8601 notation. ISO 8601 notation for duration crops up in a few places, including Schema.org for website SEO. There you might use it to describe the duration of a live performance, media object or even flight time. Not to worry if you do not know what the ISO 8601 notation is, we’ll take a look below. Even if you are not yet familiar with ISO 8601 notation, you may eventually find it a convenient way to initialize a time period. Here, to help see how you can work with duration in the Temporal API, we use the track list from Madonna’s 1980s chart topping album True Blue.
Temporal Polyfill #
The Temporal API is still a TC39 proposal, and as such is not yet an official JavaScript API and not recommended for production projects. That also means you need to use a polyfill to try it out. This is just a package which recognizes the new API’s features and automatically translates them into code compatible with existing and established APIs.
There are a couple of APIs suggested on the TC39 site. I tried @js-temporal/polyfill
and have had no issues.

💫 Temporal.Duration.from()
#The API provides a few ways to initialize a Temporal Duration. Probably, the most intuitive is:
const duration = Temporal.Duration.from({ days: 15, hours: 7});
Did you spot the Sinéad O’Connor reference in that example? If you have
a period other than seven hours and 15 days, then you have access to years
, months
, weeks
, minutes
, seconds
and even milliseconds
, microseconds
and nanoseconds
, as well as days
and hours
🏅 ISO 8601 Notation #
For many cases, ISO 8601 is more convenient. This is just a string of letters
and numbers in shorthand. An example is P15DT7H
. Here P
is just a marker that we are using an
ISO 8601 period, T
(time) separates units shorter
than a day from longer units. The 15D
is fifteen
days and 7H
seven hours. The T
separator is needed since M
to the left of it
represents months, while, to the right, represents minutes. So you can appreciate
that if you want to note down a period of six years, five months, four days, three
hours, two minutes and one second, you can succinctly, write P6Y5M4DT3H2M1S
. There is a W
(week) unit too, though this should not be used together with other units for maximum compatibility.
Back to the previous example, we can initiate the Temporal Duration using an ISO 8601 period thus:
const duration = Temporal.Duration.from("P15DT7H");
💿 Track List JSON Data #
To see a few more Temporal duration methods, we will take a look a track list from Madonna’s True Blue album. If you are not into 1980s music, fear not, this is the last 1980s artist reference in this post.
[{"title": "True Blue","artist": "Madonna","tracks": [{ "number": 1, "title": "Papa Don’t Preach", "length": "PT4M39S" },{ "number": 2, "title": "Open Your Heart", "length": "PT4M13S" },{ "number": 3, "title": "White Heat", "length": "PT4M40S" },{ "number": 4, "title": "Live to Tell", "length": "PT5M51S" },{ "number": 5, "title": "Where’s the Party", "length": "PT4M21S" },{ "number": 6, "title": "True Blue", "length": "PT4M18S" },{ "number": 7, "title": "La Isla Bonita", "length": "PT4M2S" },{ "number": 8, "title": "Jimmy Jimmy", "length": "PT3M55S" },{ "number": 9, "title": "Love Makes the World Go Round", "length": "PT4M31S" }]}]
We will build out a quick Astro app to help illustrate the other methods. However, don’t worry if you don’t know Astro; HTML and JavaScript appreciation is enough to follow along.
Here’s our output:

Notice how in the input JSON, our track lengths use ISO 8601 durations. This is convenient as it creates short strings, which are easily serializable as JSON too. We will initialize Temporal Durations using these ISO 8601 strings (like we saw earlier), then see how we can convert them to user-friendly strings for our use case. Finally, we will sum all the tracks lengths using the Temporal API to get a total playing time for the LP (album).
🗳 Poll #
User Readable Durations #
There is a .toLocaleString()
method on Temporal
Durations, which works similarly to the equivalent Temporal Date and Time methods.
However, this relies on Intl.DurationFormat
That is another proposal which is not yet widely supported, so let’s roll
our own and see some Temporal Duration manipulation methods in the process.
Temporal objects have minutes
and seconds
fields, which contain those values as numbers (rather than strings). These let
us write a simple function to convert the Temporal Duration objects to string for
function stringFromDuration(iso8601Duration: string): string {const { minutes, seconds, } = Temporal.Duration.from(iso8601Duration);return `${minutes}:${seconds.toString(10).padStart(2, "0")}`;}
This takes an input like PT4M39S
and returns 4:39
. We pad the seconds so that, for example, four minutes and two seconds gets
written 4:02
, as would be expected by a user
or site visitor. We use this function to convert track lengths from ISO 8601
strings to the strings we see in the image.
Temporal Duration Arithmetic #
We can easily add durations using the Temporal.Duration.add
const totalDuration = durationA.add(durationB);
That creates a new Temporal.Duration object. For years, months and weeks, the
intent could be ambiguous, so you need also to provide an object with a relativeTo
date field as a second argument.
We use add
to work out the total track time using
the array reduce method :
const totalLength = tracks.reduce((accumulator, { length }) => accumulator.add(Temporal.Duration.from(length)),new Temporal.Duration(),);
Here, accumulator
keeps a running total of the
duration as we loop through the members of the array. Each array member is an object
with a length
field, the duration of the track,
as an ISO 8601 string. We initialize the accumulator with new Temporal.Duration()
, equivalent to zero duration.
You could do this manipulation manually by parsing the durations and
converting them to seconds, summing and then converting the output to
human-readable string. That is no way to live your life, though! More
seriously, using the Temporal API Duration object should result in more
robust, less error-prone code which is also cleaner and easier to understand.
There is a similar subtract
method as well as absolute,
rounding, and negation methods. See the TC39 docs for more details .
🙌🏽 Temporal API Duration: Wrapping Up #
We have had an introduction to the Temporal API Duration. In particular, we saw:
- how to initialize a Temporal Duration from an object or ISO 8601 string;
- what an ISO 8601 duration string is; and
- also how you can sum durations using the Temporal API.
Open up the Astro project we referenced from the Rodney Lab GitHub repo to play around .
I hope you found this article useful and am keen to hear how you will use the starter on your own projects as well as possible improvements.
🏁 Temporal API Duration: Summary #
How can you write a duration in ISO 8601 notation? #
- ISO 8601 can be used to write durations spanning periods shorter or longer than a day. The durations are written as a string of letters and numbers and start with a `P`. When there are units shorter than a day present, these are separated from longer duration units with a `T`. Other letters like `Y`, `M`, `D` or `H`, `M`, `S` represent the units. `M` represents month units when it appears before the `T` and minutes after. For example, `PT5M3S` represents a period of five minutes and three seconds. Meanwhile, `P5Y2MT4H1M` is five years, two months, four hours and one minute.
How can you create a Temporal API duration object from an ISO 8601 duration string? #
- To create a new Temporal Duration object from an ISO 8601 string, just pass it as an argument to the `from` method: `const duration = Temporal.Duration.from("P5Y2MT4H1M")` .
Is it possible to sum Temporal API durations? #
- It is possible to sum temporal API durations. However, to avoid ambiguity in summing terms which include years, months or weeks, you need to add an extra `relativeTo` date parameter. There is no need for that for other, shorter durations; here you just call `add` on one duration, providing the second duration as the argument: `totalDuration = durationA.add(durationB)`. That returns a new duration object. When you do need a `relativeTo` date, this is just provided as an object in an additional second argument.
🙏🏽 Temporal API Duration: Feedback #
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Here's how you might you the Temporal API if you were working with song durations.
— Rodney (@askRodney) August 1, 2022
It is still a TC39 proposal so remember to add the polyfill package below to get going:
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