🛁 Deno Stylelint #
This video on Deno Stylelint looks at how you can set up Stylelint in your Deno or Deno Fresh project. Stylelint is useful tooling for working with CSS, especially in teams. You define custom rules or take a set of provided recommendations. The rules stipulate how you and your team should use CSS in your project. Examples are limiting the use of duplicate selectors, avoiding named colours (accepting hex, hsl etc. only) or forbidding descending specificity. As well as keeping the styles consistent across the team, the rules can help spot errors in your CSS.
In the video, we see how you can create your own Deno script to run Stylelint on your project. We see Deno file APIs on the way, so you will probably find the video useful if you are trying Deno for the first time. I hope it is interesting either way. You can drop a comment below or reach out for a chat on Element as well as Twitter @mention if you have suggestions for improvements or questions.
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🖥 Deno Stylelint: Code #
1 {2 "lock": false,3 "tasks": {4 "check": "deno fmt --check && deno lint && deno check **/*.ts && deno check **/*.tsx",5 "lint:css": "deno run --allow-env --allow-read --allow-sys --allow-write stylelint.ts",6 "start": "deno run -A --watch=static/,routes/ dev.ts",7 "build": "deno run -A dev.ts build",8 "preview": "deno run -A main.ts",9 "update": "deno run -A -r https://fresh.deno.dev/update ."10 },11 "fmt": {12 "exclude": ["static/*.css"]13 },14 "lint": {15 "rules": {16 "tags": [17 "fresh",18 "recommended"19 ]20 }21 },22 "exclude": [23 "**/_fresh/*"24 ],25 "imports": {27 "@/": "./",30 "@std/dotenv": "jsr:@std/dotenv@^0.225.3",31 "@std/path": "jsr:@std/path@^1.0.8",34 "stylelint": "npm:stylelint@^16.16.0",35 "stylelint-config-recommended": "npm:stylelint-config-recommended@^15.0.0"36 },37 "compilerOptions": {38 "jsx": "react-jsx",39 "jsxImportSource": "preact"40 }41 }
— click to expand code.
1 import { relative, resolve } from "@std/path";2 import stylelint from "stylelint";3 import stylelintConfigRecommended from "stylelint-config-recommended";45 type Severity = "warning" | "error";67 interface Warning {8 line: number;9 column: number;10 endLine?: number;11 endColumn?: number;12 rule: string;13 severity: Severity;14 text: string;15 stylelintType?: string;16 }1718 interface LintResult {19 source?: string;20 deprecations: {21 text: string;22 reference?: string;23 }[];24 invalidOptionWarnings: {25 text: string;26 }[];27 parseErrors: { stylelintType: string }[];28 errored?: boolean;29 warnings: Warning[];30 ignored?: boolean;31 }3233 // run34 const { results }: { results: LintResult[] } = await stylelint.lint({35 config: {36 rules: {37 ...stylelintConfigRecommended.rules,38 "color-named": "never",39 "font-family-name-quotes": "always-where-required",40 "font-weight-notation": "named-where-possible",41 "function-url-no-scheme-relative": true,42 "function-url-quotes": "always",43 "value-keyword-case": ["lower", { ignoreKeywords: ["Raleway"] }],44 "unit-disallowed-list": [],45 "no-descending-specificity": true,46 "no-duplicate-selectors": true,47 "font-family-no-missing-generic-family-keyword": null,48 "property-no-unknown": [49 true,50 {51 ignoreProperties: ["/^lost-/"],52 },53 ],54 },55 },56 files: "static/**/*.css",57 });5859 // process60 const issues: string[] = [];61 const deprecationWarnings = new Set<string>();6263 const __dirname = resolve();64 results.forEach(({ deprecations, errored, source, warnings }) => {65 if (errored && source) {66 const outputPath = relative(__dirname, source);67 issues.push(outputPath);6869 warnings.forEach(({ column, line, text }) => {70 issues.push(` ${line}:${column} * ${text}`);71 });72 issues.push("");73 }74 deprecations.forEach(({ text }) => {75 deprecationWarnings.add(text);76 });77 });7879 // output80 if (deprecationWarnings.size) {81 console.log("82 Deprecation warnings:");83 deprecationWarnings.forEach((element) => {84 console.log(` - ${element}`);85 });86 console.log("");87 }8889 if (issues.length) {90 console.log(issues.join("91 "));92 Deno.exit(1);93 }
1 /* stylelint-disable font-weight-notation */23 /* nunito-sans-regular - latin */4 @font-face {5 font-family: Nunito Sans;6 font-style: normal;7 font-weight: 400;8 src: local(""),9 url("/fonts/nunito-sans-v12-latin-regular.woff2") format("woff2"),10 url("/fonts/nunito-sans-v12-latin-regular.woff") format("woff");11 }1213 /* TRUNCATED... */1415 /* stylelint-enable font-weight-notation */
🔗 Links #
- Deno Fresh PostCSS article
- Stylelint docs
- GitHub repo with full code
- Element chat: #Rodney matrix chat
- Twitter handle: @askRodney
🏁 Deno Stylelint: Summary #
Does Stylelint work with Deno? #
- There is not currently a specific Deno Stylelint module, though you can use the Stylelint APIs in a Deno script. We saw you can import the Node Stylelint package in Deno using the Deno NPM import syntax (`import stylelint from "npm:stylelint"`). Then the stylelint object exposes a lint method. You can specify your regular Stylelint configuration as an argument to this lint method call. You can even use predefined rule sets like `stylelint-config-recommended`.
Can you disable a Stylelint rule just for a single CSS file? #
- Sometimes, you might want to disable a Stylelint rule locally. This is possible using a comment. Add a disable comment ahead of the block which you don’t want the rule to apply to. Then add an enable comment just afterwards. As an example, let’s say we want to disable the `font-weight-notation` rule. In this case, our enable and disable comments will take the shape: `/* stylelint-disable font-weight-notation */` and `/* stylelint-enable font-weight-notation */`.
How do you emit an exit(1) signal from your Deno script? #
- You might want to issue an exit(1) signal to let another process know something wasn’t right! We saw this in a Stylelint setting. When one or more of our rules was broken, we issued exit(1). Then, for example, if we were running Stylelint to check styles automatically before a git commit, the hook could abort when there is an error flagged by exit(1). When the script exits normally, it automatically issues exit(0) so we do not have to do anything in that case. Anyway, to emit the exit(1) just call `Deno.exit(1)` from your Deno script.
🙏🏽 Feedback #
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