About Rodney # About us #

Hello, I’m Rodney …
… I’m a Web Developer based in the UK 🇬🇧, and am available for consultancy work.
I build accessible, fast and secure sites, currently focussing on frontend using the JAMStack. My consultancy spans the gamut of developing SEO-friendly sites from scratch to developer advocacy for a range of technologies. If I like it, I can write and talk about it! I enthusiastically generate blog and video content, from how-tos helpful to anyone finding their feet with the technology to more in-depth case studies helping developers generate c-suite interest in projects. Get in touch to find out more.
Some trending blog posts… #

Parsing JSON Game Data: Read JSON in C++ GameDev 🕹️
Parsing JSON Game Data 🕹️ using the nlohmann C++ 11 library to read stored game config data in 🖥️ C++ GameDev using CMake.
CMake Doxygen Site: Create GitHub Pages Hosted C++ Docs 📚
CMake Doxygen Site 📚 example creating C++ project docs using CMake and GitHub Actions to generate an updated 👓 docs site on each push.